


Written by Ana Defillo
Starring Keisha Zollar, Kate Moran, and Ana Defillo
Directed, shot, and edited by Mark Philip Lichtenstein
Sound by Andrea Zavareel
Did you know that the #3KC ladies were cast in the new Suffragette movie with Meryl Streep*? Our scene got cut, but you can watch it here! *Not really, this is satire.


Written and Produced by Keisha Zollar, Kate Moran, and Ana Defillo
Directed by Kate Moran
Three one-minute topical sketch videos written, rehearsed, shot, and edited in one day for @SktchShw at the PIT! See Ariana’s other apologies here and here.


Starring Keisha Zollar for Above Average
“The stream of nonsense spewing forth from Trump’s mouth is perfect fodder for a derailed slam poet (played by comedian Keisha Zollar), who seems to be channeling a stream of consciousness about China, Mexico, a bank account, and recent real estate deals.” – A/V Club




Written, Directed, and Produced by Kate Moran for PITtv



Video for Keisha Zollar’s new PIT show-turned-documentary, “An Uncomfortable Conversation About Race.”